ISO 45001:2018- Health & Safety Management System
Launched in March 2018, ISO 45001 is the new internationally recognised standard for health and safety management systems. It demonstrates an organisation’s commitment to controlling its health and safety risks and eliminating work-related accidents.
The standard provides a systematic approach to engaging employees and contractors in preventing injuries and ill health and ensuring you are compliant with legal and contractual requirements.
ISO 45001 provides a framework for improving any organisation’s health and safety performance by detailing requirements for 11 key success factors for any health and safety management system:
- Top management leadership, commitment, responsibilities and accountability
- Top management involvement in developing, leading and promoting a culture in the organisation that supports the health and safety management system
- Communication
- Consultation and participation of employees and contractors
- Allocation of resources to implement and maintain the health and safety management system
- Alignment of health and safety policies with the overall strategic objectives and direction of the Organisation
- Processes for identifying hazards, controlling risks and taking advantage of improvement Opportunities.
- Continual performance evaluation and monitoring of the management system to improve health and safety performance
- Integration of the health and safety management system into the organisation’s business processes
- Health and safety objectives that align with the policies and take into account the organisation’s hazards, risks and improvement opportunities
- Compliance with its legal requirements and other requirements
Click here for more details.
Benefits of ISO 45001 Certification

ISO 45001 can help any size or type of organisation that wants a simple and clear system for protecting the health and safety of its employees and contractors. It will enhance your reputation as a responsible employer and demonstrate compliance with health and safety legislation.
The more significant the hazards present in the environment that you operate in, the more that you will benefit from ISO 45001. Suppliers to high-risk sectors will often find themselves needing to demonstrate their compliance with a wide range of policies and procedures. Having ISO 45001 allows you to leapfrog many complex questions on contracts and tenders.
ISO 45001:2018 Certification proves your organisation is serious about Health & Safety.
If you are currently certified to OHSAS 18001, you will be able to transfer to ISO 45001 provided you make changes to your existing system so that it complies with the new requirements in ISO 45001. You will have to transition to ISO 45001 by March 2021.
Please contact us if you would like advice and support on how to amend your current Health and Safety Management System to comply with the requirements of ISO 45001:2018
If you are currently certified to OHSAS 18001, you will be able to transfer to ISO 45001 provided you implement the changes.
ISOCEL will ensure that the implementation is effective and efficient through our practical and no nonsense approach.
For further details click here